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Future Growth Of Park City


Park City Growth

Recently, the Park Record published an article about potential future growth in Summit and Wasatch counties which details the development rights available in each area. Some of the projects depicted on the growth map are underway, such as the movie studio and Park City Heights. Many more projects have been approved but have yet to break grown.

Visually, the map created by the Park City Planning Department in 2013, clearly communicates the potential amount of growth in the area. Other growth concerns are increased traffic, school growth, air pollution and the impact the historical fabric of Park City itself.

The map shows development numbers in square footages and also in number of units. Many of the projects were approved in some form in the past but remain undeveloped. The map stretches from Snyderville Basin to Heber and shows potential growth along I-40 and UT-224.

Here is just a sample of the development rights mentioned in the article:

  • Inside Park City Limits is Bonanza Park with ±4.7 million square feet of development rights
  • Treasure, on the slopes of Park City Ski Resort overlooking Old Town with 413,000 square feet of development rights
  • Over 5 million square feet of development rights at Canyons
  • 1 million square feet at the Park City Tech Center
  • 15,000 units built at the Jordanelle Reservoir

In June a forum was held that provided a look at growth forecasts put together by Envision Utah, a not-for-profit organization which puts studies growth plans for the state. The population of Park City was 7,547 in 2010 and is expected to be 17,722 in 2060. The Summit County forecast has population forecasted to be over 100,000 by 2060, which is nearly triple what it was in 2010. The population in Wasatch County is also forecasted to be over 100,000 by 2060.

To read the entire article, click here.

Location of Growth Map:


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