Park City Utah Weather Forecast | Dec. 15th-22nd, 2012
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Park City, UT



Park City Utah Weather Forecast | Dec. 15th-21st


Picture of snow total on Snowbird web cam

Snow. Snow. Snow. and more Snow!

Picture is of Snowbird’s snow stake, click here to view current cam shot

Welcome to this week’s Park City Utah Weather Forecast!  This is why I love living in Utah.  Ten days ago everyone was worried about snow.  Well I am here to tell you that you can rest easy over the next couple weeks.  We have snow and lots of it!  Last week the resorts picked up between 1 and 2 feet of snow with a number of small storms.  This week will prove to be a bit more impressive.  Last night we had our first in a series of three storms roll through.  The resorts this morning are reporting around 10 inches overnight.  Powder day anyone?  We will have another storm coming in late tonight and then yet another Tuesday into Wednesday!  I suspect by Wednesday afternoon most resorts will be reporting 3-4 feet from this storm cycle!  Happy holidays to us!  I don’t like getting too far ahead of myself but it looks like after a 2-3 day break we enter into another good storm cycle!  Until that point get out and enjoy the snowy week in Park City!  Below is the official forecast (reminder forecast is for ~8,000 ft):

Today:  Snow in the morning, tapering off in the afternoon.  Probably another 2-4 inches throughout the day.  Chilly – High around 20.

Sunday:  Morning low around 15.  Snow increasing throughout the day.  Daytime snow totals around 4-8 inches, high around 25.

Monday:  Morning low around 20, High around 25.  More snow!  Storm totals of 10-20″ from Sunday-Monday storm.

Tuesday:  Morning low around 20.  High again around 25.  Snow moving in again.  We might get a brief break late Monday through Tuesday AM.  Daytime snow totals 3-6 inches.

Wednesday:  Cooling off, morning low around 10.  High’s around 15.  Snow throughout the day.  At this point expecting 1-2 feet! of snow with Tuesday-Wednesday storm.  Right now thinking it might be on the higher end of the totals 🙂

Thursday:  Cool morning, low around 5.  Warming up nicely, High around 30 and sunny.  “Chamber of commerce day”  as I like to call them.

Friday:  Morning low around 10.  Partly Cloudy, High around 30.

It should be a spectacular week to get out and enjoy the mountains!  Just in time for the holidays, thanks mother nature.

Think Snow!




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