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Spring Cleaning


Spring Cleaning Tips | Park City

Tis the season for garage sales galore in Park City and surrounding Summit County. As the weather warms and people start to downsize, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by spring cleaning.

Spruce Organizing ( owner Michelle Powell has been in business in Park City since 2009, and has the following five tips for tackling spring cleaning and bringing order to your home:

  1.  Remove all off-season items from your everyday living spaces.  Place them into storage that is out of the way like a closet or garage shelves.
  2.  Concentrate on one space at a time and work until it is completed before starting a second space.  
  3.  Work in this order:  Sort, purge, then designate a space for what is left so that you can really put things away.  
  4.  Take advantage of all of the great places in Park City to donate your unwanted items.  The Restore, Recycle Utah, Big Brothers Big Sisters Bins and The Christian Center are happy to receive anything current that is in working order.
  5.  Get your family involved.  By helping and sharing input as to what people really want to keep you can tackle the project that much more quickly!

Says Michelle, “Whether you are pressed for space in your home or not, it is great to review your stuff seasonally to eliminate what you no longer use and pack away what you still love.”

Like what you have once you’ve purged? Pebbles and Twigs Consignment Store suggests moving furniture to update a room and breath in a new perspective.

And lastly, if you decide to hold a garage sale, make a point to NOT bring items back into the home. Once your sale is done, donate, donate, donate.

Community spring clean up runs from May 20 to May 24 with strategically-placed dumpsters around town:

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