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Park City, UT



Park City Weather Forecast | December 15th – 21st, 2013


Alta Ski Resort

Hope everyone had a great week!  Lots of sun and warming temperatures were the story last week.  Unfortunately if you like powder skiing I am not seeing much over the next week.  We have had a blocking ride of high pressure set up of the west coast.  Not want we want to see!  Thus we are in a holding pattern waiting for a pattern shift.  Full details on this week’s Park City Weather Forecast are below:

Sunday:  Great day to get out and enjoy the sun and warm weather.  High:  40 Low:  20

Monday:  More sun and warm temperatures.  High: 45  Low: 20

Tuesday:  Sunshine continues!  Relatively warm temperatures again.  High: 40  Low:  20

Wednesday:  Ground Hog day… Sun and warm.  Slightly cooler than the previous couple days.  High: 35  Low:  20

Thursday:  Cloudy with snow showers.  This storm currently is shown to split as it comes through the area.  Thus I think we see some snow showers but not amounting to more than an inch or two.  If for some reason the storm stays together and doesn’t split we could see 4-6 inches.  High: 25  Low:  20

Friday:  Partly Cloudy and colder.  Chance of a snow shower, not much in the way of accumulation.  High: 20  Low:  10

Saturday:  Mostly Cloudy with some peaks of sun possible.  A little better chance of a snow shower.  Still not much in the way of accumulation.  High: 20  Low: 10

Enjoy the week and think snow!



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